Privacy Policy

This Privacy Statement provides you with additional information about how we collect your personal data and for what purposes we process it.

You should read the Privacy Notice to fully understand the legal basis for collecting your data, how we use it, who we transfer it to and your rights. Before navigating the Website or doing any transaction with us, we invite you to consult this Privacy Statement and make sure that you also agree with the terms and conditions under which we collect and process your personal data.

Commitment to the Protection of Personal Data

The security and protection of your personal data are a priority for us. That is why our Company undertakes to handle your personal data responsibly and to protect your right to privacy, in accordance with the law. Our Company will under no circumstances receive more personal data from you than is necessary for the purpose for which it is collected.

We will always keep your personal data secure and comply with all applicable data protection provisions as applicable from time to time based on the legislative and regulatory framework.

who we are

Data controller for the collection, processing and use of your personal data within the meaning of the applicable legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of your personal data is:

“ROUSOULIS AP.GEORGIOS” and the distinctive title “gadgetpcstrong”, based in GRAMMOU 91 KASTORIA PO Box 52100, Greece VAT number 103049560, DOU KASTORIAS, telephone 24670-80161 & email: (hereinafter the “Company”, the “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”).

Your Obligation to inform us of changes to your personal data

Your Obligation to inform us of changes to your personal data Please inform us as soon as possible about changes regarding your personal data for as long as your business relationship with us lasts.

What personal data do we collect about you?

Personal data or personal information means any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”), the identifiable natural person being one whose identity can be ascertained, directly or indirectly. This data does not include any anonymous data.

We collect the personal data you provide to us as part of your registration as a customer in our online or physical store, or when you make a purchase as a visitor or registered user in our online store, as well as any additional information you fill in to renew or update the your registration information from time to time or other information necessary to carry out and complete any transaction you may have with us. In addition, we process personal data that we collect or create through our own means or receive from third parties.

This data includes, among others:

Identification information such as: name, title, gender, username or other similar identifier (eg email).

Contact information such as: delivery address, billing address, email address, landline and/or mobile phone number and other contact information.

Transaction details such as: details of the products you have purchased, details required in case of account changes or re-credits such as bank account, beneficiary name, IBAN, banking institution.

Technical data such as: channel – source of origin, device, duration of stay and browsing in our online store, Internet Protocol address (IP address), browser plug-in type and version, time zone and location, operating system – platform and other information about technology of the device you use to access our website.

Information about your account with us, such as: password and email, purchases or orders in progress, pending or you have made with us, your interests and preferences in relation to the products we provide and any comments or responses you may have in surveys we carry out.

Usage data, such as: information about how you use our website, the products and services we provide.

Marketing and communications information about you: which includes your preferences about receiving promotional materials from us and third parties and your preferences about being contacted by us, where we have your consent, your opinion about products you have purchased from us.

Please note that in order to register or continue using our online store we need your email, name, address, phone. However, if you provide us with additional personal data upon our request or voluntarily we will be able to provide you with a better level of service.

How we collect your information

We collect personal data about you:

  • Through any of your direct transactions with us either through our network of stores or our online store or your telephone or other communication with us.
  • When you create a user account with us, through the relevant form completed and other information provided to us during your use of your account.
  • Through your registration in the Company’s newsletter or your participation in a competition, survey or other promotional action.
  • When you communicate with us either on social media or in the context of your questions, complaints and other requests through our communication channels or when you give us your opinion about our products.
  • In the event that you register for our service through a social networking platform, we may collect your above personal data directly from the information you have provided on the platform (as long as the social networking platform has the relevant right to share your personal data with us).
  • From third party providers or publicly available sources.

How do we use your personal data?

We will process your personal data only when the law allows us to do so. In general, we will only use your personal data to:

-In the event that we have to perform the contract we are about to enter into or have already entered into with you.

-Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or the interests of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override these interests.

-In case we have to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

-When you have given us your express consent to do so.

In general, we do not rely on your consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data except when we send you promotional updates or when we process special categories of personal data. You reserve the right to withdraw your consent to the sending of promotional updates at any time by contacting us using the contact information provided herein.

In some cases we process your personal data after we have obtained your relevant consent, such as for the purposes of:

  • To inform you about events, special offers, promotions and other related matters regarding the Company and our products and services, according to the means of communication you have indicated.
  • To inform you about offers or promotions of third parties working with us, provided you have given us relevant consent, according to the means of communication you have indicated.
  • To advertise our company and products on social media to you and others who may also be interested in what we offer.

We may process your data in the context of the Company’s compliance with the obligations established by the applicable legislative and regulatory framework.

In case you no longer wish to have a customer account you can contact us (by phone or in writing) to delete your account at any time by following the deletion procedure.


This Website uses Cookies. Below you can learn more about the Cookies that uses, the purpose they serve as well as how they are managed.

  1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are installed on your computer or electronic device, through the browser you use when you visit Cookies help us to collect information necessary to measure the effectiveness of the Website, to improve and upgrade its content, to adapt it to the demand and needs of Users, as well as to measure the effectiveness of the presentation and display of gadgetpc. gr on third-party websites. None of the Cookie files used on the Website collects information that identifies you personally and does not gain knowledge of any document or file from your computer.

The data collected by cookies may include the type of browser you are using, the type of computer, its operating system, internet service providers and other such information. In addition, the Website’s information system automatically collects information about the locations you visit and about the links to third-party websites you may choose through our Website.

More information on Cookies, how to manage and delete them, can be found at

  1. Types of cookies

At, the following categories of Cookies are used:

Transient and persistent

“Transient” Cookies are stored on the computer or electronic device during your visit to the Website and are deleted when you leave it. “Persistent” Cookies remain on your computer or electronic device for a longer period of time until they are deleted by you. Example Cookies that are necessary for us to provide our Services to you (Cookies responsible for remembering the products stored in your basket and which remain in memory for approximately 7 days), or Cookies that record your behaviors within the Site, such as your choices, your demographic information, the products you visit, and other information that will contribute to the creation of an anonymous profile.

3dr Party Cookies

Third parties such as Google Analytics may install the Cookies we use. In the event that through the Website you enter third-party websites or connect to social networking agencies (facebook, instagram, youtube), you should be aware that these third-party websites or agencies may install Cookies as soon as you click on the relevant link. These Cookies are outside our control and are governed by the cookies policy of each third party that installs them. You should read their respective websites’ policies to see exactly how you should manage them.

3. How to manage and delete Cookies

The menus of most browsers provide options on how to manage Cookies. These options vary by browser. Depending on the options that the browser you use gives you, you can allow the installation of Cookies, disable/delete existing ones or be notified each time you receive cookies. Instructions for managing and deleting Cookies are usually found in the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” menu of the browser.

Please note that, in case you reject or disable the Cookies of our website, the functionality of the websites may be partially lost. Also, disabling a Cookie or a category of Cookies does not delete the Cookie from the browser. Such a move should be done by you by changing the internal functions of the browser you use.

  1. Changes to our use of Cookies

We may from time to time modify the Cookies Policy, either in whole or in part, at our sole discretion. Any modification herein will be effective as soon as the modified Policy is posted on the Website. At the same time there will be an indication on our home page that will highlight the change. In any case, as long as you continue to use our Website and its services and the services of our Online Store after modifications have been made in accordance with the above, you will be deemed to accept those modifications. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, as it may be modified, either in whole or in part, you must stop using the Website and our services provided through it.

Any changes to this Policy will be posted here immediately.

  1. Contact

If you have any questions regarding this Policy, please contact us at